Friday, October 2, 2009

I have arrived in Blogland

I have been toying with having a blog for a while now and decided against it because I don't want the pressure of trying to be intelligent or funny or even vaguely interesting, but today I saw the Create blog button and pressed it and without further thought; here I am!

At the moment I want to keep this blog fairly private so I'll just send the adress out (oops if I can remember exactly what it is again) to a couple of people who write blogs that I enjoy.

So let's see where this goes...

My blog posts are likely to be random, erratic and conflicting and I will promise only one thing, honesty.

Thanks for joining my journey to wherever it takes me.


  1. Welcome to blogland. I know that feeling of pressure, but as you said just be honest and think of it as something you are doing for yourself.

  2. Hi Lesley,

    Congratulations on your Blog. Hope you find it as comforting as poeple say it is, and find answers to questions you dont know. One thing i promise is to follow your blog. Thank you for inviting me.

