Monday, October 5, 2009

Not for sensitive stomachs, sensitive viewers or sensitive readers

Nothing quite says “Romantic Date Night” quite like dinner amongst v. scary Tableview teenagers and even scarier toddlers at a well known steak franchise and followed by your standard aliens invade Earth movie complete with alien flesh bursting from a once normal human arm (oh no now I’ve given part of the plot away) and guns that vaporize innocent bystanders… Good plan, yes?

It started with the S.alad V.alley OF DOOM (thunder crash and ominious music), I can’t even write about it without gagging. I served up a portion of what I though was brinjal due to the blackish, grey colour (more ominous music) and chickpeas and proceeded to my table. Hub and I were chatting and drinking so I was distracted by how bad the taste of the (apparently) brinjals was. After the third bite, the revolting taste actually made my head swim. It was then that I realized that the blackish grey blobs were not innocent brinjal but putrified potato and I had eaten it.

Half an hour into the brilliant but oh-so-disgusting District 9, when the hero starts throwing up after alien contamination, I took the hint and spent the next half hour in the bathroom. Came back for a further hour of dismemberment, the previously mentioned human vaporizing and general carnage.

Yup, I’m now in charge of choosing the restaurant and movie for all Romantic Date Nights in the future.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you had such a bad experience and felt so sick. Hope you didnt pay a cent for that bill!
    But on the bright side, you will have the upper hand from now on and choose the movie and restuarant :)
